Sunday, January 10, 2010

"Yo David Miscavige, I'm Really Happy For You, An Imma Let You Finish"

But I just wanna say,

Its not so much your beliefs that i oppose (although they are questionable) But rather Mr Miscavige, it's you and the 'church' itself. People are free to believe in whatever they choose, be it God, Jesus, Mohammed or the Almighty Xenu himself. Thats the beauty of living in a free country, a free world.

Freedom is something $cientology guarantees you, if you do exactly as they say. Critical Error #1

Its all about.. reaching that state of clear, being free in your body, in your mind, in your thoughts. Unless, of course, your thoughts disagree with those of the 'church'.

You might then be punished, audited, labelled a suppressive person or disconnected from your family. So I guess in the Concise $cientology Dictionary, the definition of freedom does not include freedom of speech. Critical Error #2


We of the Church believe:

That all men of whatever race, color, or creed were created with equal rights;

That all men have inalienable rights to their own religious practices and their performance;

That all men have inalienable rights to their own lives;

That all men have inalienable rights to their sanity;

That all men have inalienable rights to their own defense;

That all men have inalienable rights to conceive, choose, assist or support their own organizations, churches and governments;

That all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others;

That all men have inalienable rights to the creation of their own kind;

That the souls of men have the rights of men;

That the study of the mind and the healing of mentally caused ills should not be alienated from religion or condoned in non-religious fields;

And that no agency less than God has the power to suspend or set aside these rights, overtly or covertly.

And we of the Church believe:

That man is basically good;

That he is seeking to survive;

That his survival depends upon himself and his attainment of brotherhood with the universe.

And we of the Church believe that the laws of God forbid man:

To destroy his own kind;

To destroy the sanity of another;

To destroy or enslave another’s soul;

To destroy or reduce the survival of one’s companions or one’s group.

And we of the Church believe that the spirit can be saved and that the spirit alone may save or heal the body.

Take note of the highlighted text.

If only this were true, it might be easier to consider $cientology an actual religion!

Sadly $cientology has been abusing the legal system for decades to attack its opponents and critics. Those with something other than a positive word to utter about the 'church'.

1991, for example.

Time Magazine printed an unfavourable article about $cientology.

$cientology proceeded to sue the magazine for a reported $400 000 000. The case was eventually dropped in Time's favour, 5 years and $7mil in lawyers fee's later.


Bonnie Woods, a former $cientologist, leaves the 'church'.

She is declared a (gasp!) Suppressive Person, her house is picketed and her family is followed by a private investigator.

Pamphlets sent out by the church are delivered around her neighbourhood making false claims and derogatory accusations regarding Mrs. Woods. She sues them for libel and they hit back with 3 claims of libel. After 6 years of litigation, the 'church' is made to pay back her costs and damages, and admits the claims made were false.

The 'church' have been known to use the law to their (unfair) advantage often taking opponents to court merely to financially wound them, knowing their case is probably not strong enough.

DM is a bad egg, everyone knows it... come on David even you know it!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Fight Begins!

Well, I think its official,

Tom Cruise is on crack!

Either that or he has been brainwashed. The latter seems more likely.

Around 2 years ago, this video of barely coherent babbling and maniacal laughing was released on YouTube. The Co$ attacked hard to have the video removed from the internet (you'll see why), further abusing their religious status to dictate what should be a public forum. The 'church' have a history of propaganda and illicit cover- ups ranging from attacking journalists to removing non $cientology authorised material from the internet.

Now in this case, its possible that someone in the office, after re- watching the video may have thought 'hmmm, perhaps the general public WONT respond as positively to this as we, Scientologists do.' And such a statement would be correct. But rather than cut their losses and move forward, the 'church' viciously rampaged (as only they know how) to have that and all other non ass- kissing $cientology material removed from the democracy we call the internet.

Sheesh Kabob!

And whats with the Star Wars- esque narration at the beginning and end of the clip?

It really gives you a Sci- Fi vibe, which coincedentally enough happened to be created by a Sci- Fi author!

Only such an author would be creative enough to come up with words like 'Thetan' and 'Xenu"

Wild imagination, L. Ron, very wild imagination!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Intro: A simple gal, with simple dreams

Well hey there!

It wasn't until I watched a documentary by the BBC on Scientology that i such disdain towards this 'religion'. I much prefer the term 'sham of an organisation.'

My obsession with gaining as much knowledge about Scientology without having to pay for an auditing session is relentless to say the very least. Which could explain why i spend my friday evening composing this blog.

Do not misinterpret my blog for anything other than what it is, as the title states, i'm just a simple gal with simple dreams. Those dreams include seeing the Church of Scientology be brought down by my fellow anons.

I certainly cant change the world, what I can do though, is persistently inform anyone who chooses to read on the evils and danger of this sinister cult. A cult indeed.

Excuse the blog for not being constructed in a report like fashion, i'm certainly no intellect and could pretend to be one for only so long. I write the way I think things in my head, so these writings are probably incomparable to that of a religion scholar. I will state fact when fact is presented but the rest is my humble opinion.

Happy Travels!

So heres what i think:

Very few people denounce it openly (as in.. without a mask) because scientologists are renowned for stalking and attacking ex- members and opposers. It is in their doctrine if you will call it that, that any person who opposes or talks down upon the 'religion'.. is 'fair game' to be harassed, stalked, lied to, intimidated and sued.

In short;

- Scientology was created in the 50's by a science fiction writer. Said author has been described as pathological lying, humanity despising, fraudulent and remorseless sociopath.

- Its beliefs include the earth was bombed by some xenu dude by...haha get this... hyrdogen bombs soe 75 million years ago, that we are all actually aliens trapped inside our human forms, we must undergo auditing sessions to clear our minds and fully understand the universe... we must progress to these OT levels to discover further more secrets of the universe. Oh all of which costs us. Every level.. every stage.

- Scientology is extremely profitable.. unfortunately for those who are less fortunate than say... Tom Cruise, it is practically impossible for them progress up the OT (insert roman numeral) levels.

- It openly embraces the idea of harassment towards those who serve as a threat to the 'religion' eg, former members, journalists, picketers and critics.

- It claims its auditing processes and health treatments are scientific yet can provide no proof to support their claims.

This is the bare bare minimum of what I understand to be true of scientology.

Whats my beef?

I'll share.